Successful completion of I-CARE training in Greece

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Successful completion of the I-CARE training in Greece

The pilot testing of the I-CARE training material in Greece is successfully completed! B

The pilot testing in Greece occurred as online training in December 2021 and was organised by the responsible partner, KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre. 24 trainers from continuous education, training etc. and 37 employees in the social and healthcare sector participated – a total of 61 people were trained by the I-CARE material. That gives us an added value since we managed to reach more professionals than it was foreseen. Also, due to their online format participated professionals from other parts of Greece, outside Athens that have less opportunities to trainings.

The majority of the learners were working with migrant/refugee and Roma populations in non-governmental organisations or public bodies such as the Hellenic Red Cross, Caritas, International Rescue Committee and had experiences of intercultural situations from the field. They worked as adult educators, educators of migrants/refugees, psychologists, social workers, protection officers, carers of unaccompanied minors, cultural mediators, health professionals or they were end-year students of Public and Community Health.

We organised two 3-hour online training sessions for trainers in continuous education etc. on 7/12 & 9/12/2021 and two 3-hour training sessions employees in the social and healthcare sector on 8/12 & 10/12/2021. The learners were trained at the following modules from the I-CARE Toolbox and training material:

M1. Culture, diversity & raising awareness

M5. Body, gender, sex & intimacy

M7. Disability, psychology & mental problems

M10. Validation of intercultural training

I-CARE Guidelines, I-CARE Action Sheets and I-CARE App

You can find here the I-CARE Toolbox, the Resources and the I-CARE App.

The trainees were satisfied by the training sessions and the I-CARE material. Their evaluations provide us with constructive feedback and recommendations about improving the material.

If you are interested to know more about the trainings in Greece, get in touch with us in the following email and telephone number 0030 210 3637547.

Finally, here you can see a few photos from our trainings: